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Strong And Sexy Men See The Doctor?

Subheading: Stay healthy and see a Yellow Dot Doctor.


Some men have beliefs about seeing a doctor that are not true, and it can be very dangerous for their health.


For example, some guys believe that a “real” man doesn’t go to the doctor unless he is extremely sick, and this is misinformed. It’s important to see a doctor for a check-up at least once a year, even if you feel 100% healthy. In fact, some experts believe this is why women often live longer than men because they are not afraid to see a doctor regularly or when they don’t feel well.


It’s a little bit like taking your car for a service to make sure it keeps running smoothly on the road. It’s also easier to fix something when it is a small issue than it is to try and fix it when it has become a major issue. The same applies to your health. It’s easier to maintain your health than to try and do something about it after something goes wrong. This is also the case with your sexual health. It requires check-ups and maintenance. We recommend seeing a Yellow Dot Doctor ( because we are doctors that cannot be shocked because we have heard it all before.


Men who have sex with men (MSM) sometimes avoid seeing a doctor or withhold important information about their health and lifestyle from their doctor because they believe they will be judged and then face prejudice and stigma.


This is not the case when you visit a Yellow Dot Doctor. Honestly, you can tell us anything because we are trained to be an important resource for all men, including MSM.


Stay on top of your game – see a YDD

Yellow Dot Doctors (YDDs) can assist you to stay sexually healthy. You can chat to us about safer sex, condoms, lube, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections, testing and treatment, ARVs, PrEP, PEP, TB and so much more. Even if you don’t know what one or more of these things are, your Yellow Dot Doctor can break it down for you in a way that makes sense and empowers you to take care of your health.

By fighting the stigma associated with seeing a doctor, you can take control of your health and well-being.


Prioritise your sexual health

MSM face unique health challenges and higher risks for certain conditions. It’s vital for you to feel empowered to see a doctor for your sexual health without fear of judgment or discrimination. Here’s why:

  • Comprehensive Care: Over 300 general practitioners (GPs) are listed as Yellow Dot Doctors across eight provinces in South Africa. These doctors are ready to provide the necessary care and support, ensuring you can discuss all aspects of your sexual health openly.
  • Community Presence: YDD actively participates in Johannesburg and Cape Town Pride events and other venues frequented by MSM. This presence ensures you can connect with healthcare providers in a comfortable and supportive environment.


Keeping it real

One of the best parts of the YDD project is how we consistently find new and exciting ways to communicate with the MSM community and make use of social media platforms like YouTube to create content that is easily accessible and convenient. The YDD YouTube channel @yellowdotdoctor explores topics like PrEP, U=U and STI screening as well as other sexual health information given directly from some of our Yellow Dot Doctors themselves. You should check it out.


How to Get Started

Ready to take charge of your health? Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the YDD Website: Find a Yellow Dot Doctor near you and get the care you need.
  2. Join Us on Facebook: Stay updated with the latest news, events, and health tips tailored for you by following the YDD Facebook page.


Protect Yourself and Your Partner

Avoiding STIs and maintaining sexual health requires proactive measures. Use condoms, get regular STI testing, and have open conversations with your partner(s) about sexual health. Yellow Dot Doctor is here to provide expert guidance on safer sex practices and STI prevention. By taking care of your sexual health, you’re protecting both yourself and your partner(s).


Take Action Now

Visit the Yellow Dot Doctor website and connect with us on Facebook for more information and support. Whether it’s for a routine check-up or specialised care, our YDDs are here to help you every step of the way. Remember—your health matters!


For more information, visit the YDD Website and follow us on YDD Facebook.